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"Why do roofing contractors make great comedians?

Because they always have a roof over their heads! 101 Roofing Dad Jokes to make you laugh, when you want to Cry, during a Storm...

Why did the roofer go to the doctor? He had a shingle in his eye.

Why do roofs hate math? Because they have too many angles.

What's a roofer's favorite instrument? The roofline.

How do roofers celebrate a successful job? They have a shingle malt scotch.

Why did the roofer get a job as a chef? He was good at frying shingles.

What do you call a roofer who's always on time? A punctual-tile.

Why don't roofers like to tell jokes? They always go over people's heads.

What do you call a roofer with a cold? A runny-nose gutter.

Why do roofers make good detectives? They're always looking for clues on the job.

What's a roofer's favorite day of the week? Shingle Saturday.

Why did the roofer break up with his girlfriend? She was always throwing tiles at him.

Why do roofers always have good posture? They're used to working on the ridge.

Why did the roofer refuse to work on a church? He didn't want to be involved in a steep-ly religious project.

What do you call a roofer with a sunburn? A red-tile worker.

Why did the roofer quit his job? He didn't want to be left high and dry.

What do you call a roofer who's afraid of heights? A grounded shingler.

Why did the roofer cross the road? To get to the other shingle.

What do you call a roofer who's always hungry? A gutter.

Why don't roofers ever get lost? They always have a good sense of direction-al shingles.

  1. What do you call a roofer who loves to dance? A hip-hop roof-er.

  2. Why did the roofer bring a ladder to the party? He wanted to make an entrance.

  3. What do you call a roofer who works for the government? A state-shingle employee.

  4. Why did the roofer become a comedian? He wanted to get a laugh out of every roof.

  5. What do you call a roofer who's always late? A tardy worker.

  6. Why did the roofer go to space? To find the perfect shingle planet.

  7. What's a roofer's favorite car? A roof-area.

  8. Why did the roofer join the army? He wanted to be a roof warrior.

  9. What do you call a roofer who's always forgetful? A shingle-minded worker.

  10. Why did the roofer wear sunglasses on the job? To protect his shingle vision.

  11. What do you call a roofer who's also a DJ? A roof-spin master.

  12. Why did the roofer take up gardening? He wanted to learn how to roof plants.

  13. What do you call a roofer who's always happy? A joy-shingler.

  14. Why did the roofer switch careers? He was tired of being the fall guy.

  15. What's a roofer's favorite sport? Roofball.

  16. Why did the roofer start a band? He wanted to make some roof-raising music.

  17. What do you call a roofer who's always traveling? A gypsy shingler.

  18. Why did the roofer go to the beach? He wanted

Why did the roofer refuse to wear a cape? Because he was afraid of heights.

Why did the roofer refuse to use a ladder? Because he didn't want to step up his game.

What did the roof say to the chimney? "You're too hot to handle!"

Why did the roofer only work on sunny days? Because he didn't want to work under a cloud.

What did the roofer say when he finished his job? "That's a roofing good job!"

Why did the roofer bring a trumpet to work? Because he was always raising the roof.

What did the roof say to the wall? "I've got you covered!"

Why did the roofer break up with his girlfriend? Because he felt like he was always being pitched.

How do roofers stay cool in the summer? They shingle in the shade.

What's a roofer's favorite tool? A hammer-time.

Why did the roofer start his own business? He wanted to be the shingle boss.

What's a roofer's favorite color? Roof.

Why did the roofer wear a tutu? He was hoping to roofie the competition.

Why did the roofer put a clock on his roof? Because he wanted to work overtime.

Why did the roofer get lost on the job site? He was looking for the hip roof.

What did the roofer say to the owl on the roof? "How's it going, hoot?"

Why did the roofer wear a helmet? To protect his shingle brain.

What did the roofer say to the owner of the haunted house? "I've got you covered... in case of ghosts."

Why did the roofer take a break from his job? He was feeling a little flat.

What's a roofer's favorite TV show? Breaking Shingles.

Why did the roofer get fired from his job? Because he was caught in a lie...tile.

What did the roofer say to the rain? "You're making my job harder!"

Why did the roofer wear sunglasses on the job? Because he was always looking up at the bright side.

What do you call a group of roofers? A shingle crew.

Why did the roofer always have a smile on his face? Because he loved his job... it was a real roof-raiser.

What did the roofer say to the spider on the roof? "I hope you're not webbing up my work!"

Why did the roofer get in trouble with the law? He was caught roofing after hours.

What's a roofer's favorite animal? The roofs.

Why did the roofer's wife leave him? He was always flirting with the shingles.

What did the roofer say to the bird on the roof? "I'll be finished in a jiffy, Robin!"

Why did the roofer get in trouble with the building inspector? He was caught nailing the wrong shingles.

Why did the roofer bring a bag of feathers to work? He was hoping to ruffle some shingles.

What's a roofer's favorite musical instrument? The roof-a-phone.

Why did the roofer cross the road? To get to the other shingle.

What did the roofer say when he saw a storm approaching? "Time to weatherproof!"

Why did the roofer refuse to work on a church roof? Because it was too steep-le.

What did the roofer say to the ant on the roof? "You better get off before I tar and feather you!"

Why did the roofer bring a camera to work? He wanted to capture the roof-tastic view.

What's a roofer's favorite dessert? Rooftopie.

Why did the roofer bring a cat to work? Because it was a perfect day for roofing.

What did the roofer say when he finished his job early? "I've got time to shingle mingle!"

Why did the roofer go to the gym? To work on his roof muscles.

What's a roofer's favorite type of music? Rooftop rock.

Why did the roofer bring a parrot to work? Because he wanted some roof-side entertainment.

What did the roofer say when he found a leaky roof? "Looks like we've got a drip problem!"

Why did the roofer start a band? He was tired of being a solo roofist.

What did the roofer say to the squirrel on the roof? "I don't mind sharing the space, as long as you don't chew on the shingles!"

Why did the roofer bring a pillow to work? He was hoping to catch some roof naps.

What's a roofer's favorite game? Shingle-dash.

We hope these 114 roofing dad jokes have given you a good laugh and brightened up your day. Who knew roofing could be so funny?

Whether you're a professional roofer or just someone who appreciates a good pun, these jokes are bound to put a smile on your face. So next time you're up on the roof, remember to bring along a few jokes to share with your coworkers. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and we could all use a little more of it in our lives.

Roofing company, Cincinnati

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